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Ideas that make a Remodel Project create a warm atmosphere

The ambience of a renovated home, whether it just finished a Whole Home RemodelKitchen Remodel or Bathroom Remodel can be dramatically different depending on the type of appeal you desire.  A younger person may be looking for a hip vibe. And someone who is perhaps more mature may be looking to create a calmer environment.  There are many ways to go about creating the setting for your home and rooms. Here are some ideas to consider when your desires are for a more soothing effect.

It begins at the entry to any room

As soon as someone steps foot into a room, you need to set the tone by making sure the entry is well-lit and clutter-free. Many tend to use areas close to the entry to drop keys, backpacks and mail. If a mess builds up in this area, contemplate adding a nice chest or table with a drawer for storage to keep it clean. Also add a personal touch with small framed family photo, or perhaps some artificial flowers or perhaps a small Welcome To Our Home painting. Anything to give someone a sense of a warm invitation to the home or room.

Certain items are related to the remodeling itself

There is one constant throughout the entire home to allow for a warm effect, and that is the lighting. To create a warm, welcoming glow, aim to have lots of soft light sources rather than a single bright one to light an entire room.  Many rooms should have dimmers on overhead fixtures. Then you can supplement those overhead fixtures with either table and floor lamps. Ideally you want to have more than two light sources for each room.

Materials that are soothing

A simple but impactful way to bring a warm feel into your home is to use material made from wood when working on a remodeling project. This is not only more environmentally friendly, but the intrinsic beauty of wood is more aesthetically pleasing. If you desire a warm character, then you will get it when working with wood oriented materials. 

Even the floor helps set the tone

One needs to appreciate that even the right flooring selected during your remodel projects can enhance the desired mood. Hardwood flooring has a timeless and classic appeal.  Warm tones belon to mahogany or oak flooring. It is easy to overlook the natural variations in wood grain that make each plank unique. A visitor may not even realize why they feel so comfortable in a room with this right flooring.  The same can be said for some reason, such as a bedroom or basement where carpet can provide a sense of warmth and comfort. 

Colors and more Colors

The influence of color, from the cabinets, countertops, walls and flooring all set the mood of any room. Designers, painters and everyone else know that this one topic cannot never go unnoticed. Patterns and textures also create different emotions. From a painter’s perspective,  yellows, oranges, and reds are warm colors and blues and greens are cool. This one topic can take on its own story, so ensure to understand the differences.

Commit to the plan sooner than later

The most successful remodeling projects have detailed planning and design completed well before any construction begins. Having Design Plans is the absolute best way to avoid surprises during construction. While some surprises still may occur, they will be vastly reduced and centralized. Many will go about a remodeling project without a design in place, and then it gets challenging when additional costs appear.  Taking the time to measure and select the materials will allow everyone to understand and agree to exactly what to remodel and how everyone will achieve it. If your serious about your remodeling project, at least commit to the planning and design sooner. You can always make adjustments, or perhaps the price of some materials may change based on delays in your actual start date. But at least the plan will be in hand, saving a lot of valuable time once the actual construction begins. 

Commit to the design to reduce stress

Looking for a remodeling project to create a warm atmosphere? Ensure your Remodeler knows this up front since that will allow them to think about it as part of the design. Do not minimize this important step in your remodeling project. You need to appreciate the Design Process and individual steps for a Successful Design. You will spend money on this separate from the actual remodeling, so ensure to do it right just like the design we shared here to create this Warm Home Remodel. While of course you see a beautiful project, it is also important to know the clients were well aware of what they wanted – before it happened! 

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Professionalism first, remodeler second

Don’t waste your money on perceived savings when you can invest a little more working with a professional business.  Contact Geer Remodeling to find out for yourself how we have built a reputation for the timeliness, trust, and quality that sets a new standard in all forms of home remodeling for the Hot Springs area.

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